【聯合報╱By DIANE CARDWELL╱任中原譯】

Ideas in Lighting Are Closer to Market

WOBURN, Massachusetts — Even as American regulations have been phasing out traditional bulbs, incandescent lights continue to outsell other types, by far, at larger retailers.

“We make light sources today that are better than incandescent by any metric at delivering the benefits you’re expecting from lighting,” said Mark Rea of the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. “But it’s different.”

While government officials and manufacturers focus their efforts on improving and marketing LED technology, researchers and entrepreneurs have been pursuing others, convinced that none of the options on the market offer consumers a close enough match to the familiar light quality at a low enough price. Now two startups are poised to begin selling light bulbs that use entirely different technologies than compact fluorescents and LEDs — one borrowed from heavy industry and the other from old-fashioned televisions.

At a small lab here, just outside Boston, work is proceeding on a new bulb to be called Finally. It is the quest of John Goscha, 30, who has already had one successful start-up: IdeaPaint, which allows most surfaces to function as dry-erase boards. About three years ago, eager to do something new he enlisted the help of Victor Roberts, a former General Electric engineer, who joined the venture. On a flight to Hong Kong, the two talked about induction, a technology that has many applications, including electric motors in home appliances and construction cranes, because it is long-lasting. But it had not yet been widely adapted for home use in lighting because it was difficult and expensive to fit the electronics needed for bright, omnidirectional light inside a regular bulb.

With the advent of smaller transistors and other advances, though, the company shrank the apparatus to a 7.6-centimeter antenna wrapped in copper wire.

That creates a magnetic field inside the bulb that prods mercury to produce ultraviolet light, which in turn creates light when it interacts with a special phosphor coating the glass.

The result, to be manufactured in India, has almost all of the approvals it needs in the United States. Mr. Goscha plans to sell the bulb — which has shown enough promise to have attracted about $19 million from investors — for $8, making it competitive with some of the cheapest LEDs on the market.

Then there is the Vu1, which was a bulb that was supposed to come to market more than three years ago but was withdrawn due to production problems. But William B. Smith, the chief executive, said that with new manufacturing operations in China rather than the Czech Republic, the company is ready to begin shipping to stores.

The Vu1, which will be available first for use in recessed fixtures, uses a technology like that of cathode ray tubes in televisions, a “state-of-the-art 1940s technology,” Mr. Smith said, in which electrons hit a cocktail of phosphors on the glass, which then glows.

Researchers, seeing a market that is wide open, are working on even more technologies, including plasma and so-called organic LEDs, which spread light over a flexible surface.

Mr. Smith said: “Twenty years from now, we’ll walk into a room and OLED is going to be covering your entire ceiling and it’s going to dim automatically and it’s going to be able to figure out your mood and it’s great.”





緊鄰波士頓的麻州伍伯恩市一處小型實驗室,正在研發稱為「最終點 (Finally)」的新式燈泡。這是30歲的研究人員葛斯加執意開發的產品,而他原本已經開發出一種新創產品:點子塗料,能使大多數表面具備寫字板功能。大約三年前他想要搞出些新名堂,向奇異公司前工程師羅伯茲求助,於是羅伯茲加入這家新創公司。在兩人搭機飛往香港途中,因為飛航時間很長,於是他們談到電磁感應這種從家用電器馬達到營建用起重機都廣泛應用的科技。但這種科技在家用照明方面卻不常用到;因為在一般燈泡內放入光亮且全方向照明所需的電子裝置,不但困難,成本也高。




史密斯說,這種燈泡將先用於壁燈,採用與老式電視機相似的陰極射線管,以電子撞擊玻璃表面的混合磷光物發出光亮。這可是「1940 年代的頂級科技」,



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