【聯合報╱By FARHAD MANJOO╱李京倫譯】

App Geared to Upend Urban Transportation

The ride-sharing service Uber, the target of protests across Europe recently, has been accused of a reckless attitude toward safety, of price-gouging its customers, of putting cabbies out of work and of evading regulation. It is impossible to say whether Uber is worth the $17 billion its investors believe it to be. Although the company is already in more than 100 cities in 36 countries , it could fail, like any start-up.

But for all its flaws, Uber could well transform transportation the way Amazon has altered shopping — by using slick, user-friendly software and mountains of data to completely reshape an existing market, ultimately making many modes of urban transportation cheaper, more flexible and more widely accessible to people across the income spectrum.

In its long-established markets, like San Francisco, using Uber every day is already arguably cheaper than owning a private car. And now that Uber, Lyft and other rivals are embroiled in a vicious match for dominance across the globe, ride-sharing in more areas may become cheaper and more convenient than owning a car .

And some experts say the increased use of ride-sharing services could also spawn renewed interest in and funding for public transportation, because people generally use taxis in conjunction with many other forms of transportation. “In many cities and even suburbs, it’s becoming much easier to organize your life car-free or car-lite,” said David A. King, an assistant professor of urban planning at Columbia University in New York .

Susan Shaheen, a director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that car-sharing and bike-sharing services have already led to a significant net reduction of car ownership among users.

In one recent study based on GPS data from New York City cabs, Dr. King and his colleagues found that many taxi trips are “multimodal,” meaning that riders mix taxis with other forms of transportation.

“The one-way travel of taxis allows people to use transit, share rides and otherwise travel without a car,” the researchers wrote. “In this way taxis act as a complement to these other modes and help discourage auto ownership and use.”

A survey commissioned by regulators in San Francisco found that if taxis were more widely available, people would use public transit more often, and would consider getting rid of one or more cars.

But taxi service is generally capped by regulation, and in many cities the number of taxis has not been increased substantially in decades, despite a vast increase in the number of kilometers people travel. In some places this has led to poor service: For instance, one out of four San Francisco residents rated the city’s taxi service as “terrible.”

Ride-sharing services substantially increase the supply of for-hire vehicles on the road, which puts downward pressure on prices. As critics say, Uber and other services do this by essentially evading regulations that cap taxis. This has led to intense skirmishes with regulators and questions over who has oversight to maintain the safety of the blossoming new industry.

These questions are likely to be worked out as these services mature; like most new technologies, this one too will attract increased legal oversight .

But Uber has done more than increase the supply of cars in the taxi market. Thanks to technology, it has also improved their utility and efficiency. By monitoring ridership, Uber can smartly allocate cars in places of high demand, and by connecting with users’ phones, it has automated the paying process. When you’re done with an Uber ride, you just leave the car; there’s no fiddling with a credit card and no tipping. Even better, there’s no parking.

Compared with that kind of convenience, a car that you own — which you have to park, fill up, fix, insure, clean and pay for whether you use it or not — begins to seem too troublesome .

“And if your car sits there five out of seven days, suddenly you’re starting to look at that fixed cost as being a waste,” Dr. King said.


















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