【聯合報╱By HIROKO TABUCHI╱馮克芸譯】
Shrimp’s Path to Plate May Begin in a Tank
STOUGHTON, Massachusetts — In a warehouse south of Boston, away from the city’s bustling harbor, James Tran, a semiconductor designer, is incubating an unlikely product: shrimp.
Mr. Tran, who started Sky8 Shrimp Farm two years ago, is one of a growing number of small, high-tech shrimp farmers in America racing to feed the country’s seemingly insatiable appetite for the shellfish, without ravaging the environment, using harmful chemicals or depending on overseas suppliers accused of labor rights violations.
“To go on getting shrimp the way we have is wishful thinking,” Mr. Tran said . His extended family in Vietnam engages in traditional coastal shrimp farming, the kind often linked to environmental, food safety and labor troubles. But here, shrimp mature in fiberglass tanks fitted with recirculation, filtration and temperature control systems.
Americans love shrimp, which overtook canned tuna as the most-consumed seafood per capita in 2002.
Most of the shrimp the United States imports comes from farms in Latin America and in Southeast Asia, where environmental and human rights experts have identified labor rights abuses, hazardous working conditions, damage to ecosystems and the use of hormones and antibiotics.
Since last year, a bacterial disease has hit shrimp farms across Asia and Mexico, crippling shrimp production. Recent news reports have alleged the use of slave labor on boats that supply fish meal for shrimp farms in Thailand.
Shrimp fishing, too, has run into problems. Stocks are under pressure across the globe. China, once a major shrimp exporter, now imports shrimp to meet growing demand. American regulators called off this year’s Gulf of Maine shrimping season after research suggested that overfishing and warming waters had driven shrimp stocks to new lows.
Those mounting concerns are spurring a new generation of shrimp farmers, like Mr. Tran .
Though official statistics are not yet available, the number of small indoor shrimp farms in the United States has grown from just two to at least 22 over the last five years, with dozens more in the pipeline, according to RDM Aquaculture, which provides equipment and expertise to shrimp farmers.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s influential Seafood Watch program gives shrimp from these tank-based farms its highest rating for seafood that is farmed or fished sustainably. “We’re seeing newer farms come along that engage in closed, intensive shrimp farming, and there’s certainly a market for that,” said Pete Bridson, aquaculture research manager at the aquarium.
The new wave in American shrimp farming is part of a push by government and industry officials to raise the stature of aquaculture and reverse a disdainful public perception of farmed seafood, in part because of past controversies over cultivated ocean products.
Over all, American farmers made up 0.8 percent of global aquaculture production in 2011, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
Fisheries officials estimate that doubling American aquaculture production could create 50,000 jobs and more than $1 billion in revenue for farmers.
At Sky8 Shrimp, run by four workers, it takes about three months to grow batches of 40,000 shrimp larvae, which feed on fish meal, algae and seaweed, to a size favored by retailers and restaurants.
The farm uses tanks of Atlantic Ocean water, filtered and reused . There are no antibiotics, no hormones and no pesticides, according to tests carried out last year by the Food and Drug Administration, which regulates shrimp. There is little risk that shrimp might escape and harm wild stocks.
That attention to detail comes with a cost. Mr. Tran ships as much as 600 kilograms of fresh shrimp a month to local high-end buyers at $ 34 a kilogram, as much as twice the price to consumers of imported frozen shrimp . Still, he says Sky8 is struggling to meet demand . “We desperately need to expand capacity,” he said.
The average price of shrimp imported into the United States during the first quarter of the year was 45 percent higher than last year, according to data carried by the trade journal Undercurrent News.
In Indiana, Karlanea Brown and her husband, Darryl, have been farming shrimp since 2009 to supplement their income from corn and soybeans. Ms. Brown also run s classes on shrimp farming, financing and marketing in a big barn.
So far, their company, RDM Aquaculture, has helped get 14 shrimp farms off the ground, started by farmers, bankers, a phone technician and a former funeral home director. At least six more shrimp farms are coming online in the next year, Ms. Brown said.
“The U.S. shouldn’t be importing shrimp when we can make our own,” Ms. Brown said. “We ship our shrimp out so fresh, their legs are still kicking when they go out the door.”