
【聯合報╱By KEN BELSON╱陳世欽譯】

Enlisting Beetles Where Trees Are Pests

LEES FERRY, Arizona — In this corner of America known for its vast landscapes, rugged mountains and deep river canyons, signs of the havoc created by the minuscule tamarisk beetle are everywhere.



For stretches along the banks of the Colorado River, hundreds of tamarisk trees — also known as salt cedars — are gray and withered. Their parched branches look like victims of fire or drought.

But this is not the story of beloved trees being ravaged by an invasive pest . Farmers, ranchers and the water authorities here are eager to get rid of the tamarisk trees, which are not native to Arizona and which they say suck too much water.

They have welcomed the beetles, which have made their way from Colorado and Utah over the last decade, and have watched as the centimeter-long workhorses have damaged the trees by eating their spindly leaves. The hope is that the beetles will now rid Arizona of the trees.



“We view the tamarisk as a pest,” said Joseph Sigg of the Arizona Farm Bureau.

But scientists say that nature is rarely a zero-sum game, and that removing the deep-rooted tamarisks — which the authorities have tried with bulldozers, chain saws and now beetles — will not produce more water. New tamarisks or other trees will replace the fallen ones, the scientists say, and the birds that live in the tamarisks, like the endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher, will be harmed.

Plus, once the beetles are done eating tamarisk leaves, they are likely to feed on other trees. Ruinous droughts and rapid population growth in recent years have strained the state’s vulnerable water supply and heightened the scramble to find new solutions, from desalination to cloud seeding to vegetation management, which includes eliminating the tamarisk.

The tamarisk, which lives in Asia and the Middle East, was imported more than a century ago to prevent erosion. With a dense and sprawling network of roots and an ability to thrive in arid terrain, it did that job well.

But as rivers were dammed, riverbanks receded, starving native trees and pushing out the insects, birds and other wildlife that relied on them. In their place, the tamarisk took over.

Advocates of removing the tamarisk claim that a mature tree can consume more than 750 liters of water a day.

There is little proof, though, that removing the tamarisk will increase the amount of available water. And if thirstier trees replace it, there could be even less .

While the beetle appears to be efficient at defoliating tamarisk trees, it works on its own schedule, which is why the tree is still often removed manually. It is a costly and imperfect process.

To save money and avoid the constant culling, the United States Department of Agriculture studied how to introduce the tamarisk beetle, the tree’s natural predator. About a decade ago, the first beetles were released in Colorado, and despite predictions that they would move slowly, they have arrived in Northern Arizona sooner than expected.

The beetles are likely to reach the southern parts of Arizona in about two years, said Stacy Beaugh of the Tamarisk Coalition, which restores riversides.

“It hasn’t been overnight, but it’s been much faster than expected,” she said.

On this stretch of the Colorado River near the Grand Canyon National Park, the beetles’ handiwork is evident . But the trees’ roots are so dense that it may take several seasons before they die, said Gibney Siemion, an ecologist with the Grand Canyon Wildlands Council, which spent $24,000 to remove the trees.

Kelly Burke of the council said that 15 people spent 10 days cutting tamarisks from a two-hectare slice of shoreline 14 kilometers downriver from the Glen Canyon Dam. They applied Garlon, a herbicide, to the stumps, and the fallen trees were burned. Yet nearly five years later, tamarisk saplings have sprouted next to the blackened stumps, a reminder of how difficult it is to remove a tree that produces hundreds of millions of seeds.

“You’ll never get the last tree,” Ms. Siemion said . “You do your best, but the tamarisk is very adaptable.”






















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