NYC subway performers: We're being over-policed
Subway acrobats, dancers and musicians on Tuesday decried what they said was heavy-handed policing, gathering outside City Hall to join critics of a police clampdown on minor offenses.
One activist suggested a temporary halt to subway performer arrests, which have spiked this year as officers zeroed in on minor crimes to set a tone of not tolerating lawlessness. But several performers said they just hope to arrange a way to perform without fearing arrest.
``We dance. We sing. We're not criminals. ... We shouldn't really get locked up for showing our talent,'' said Zenon ``Tito'' Laguerre, a 34-year-old construction worker and subway acrobat who said he was arrested last week.
34歲的建築工人兼地鐵特技演員拉格爾說,「我們跳舞、唱歌,我們不是罪犯... 不該因為表現才藝被關」,他上周被捕。
The police department had no immediate response to the performers' complaints.Mayor Bill de Blasio said last month that subway stunts may not seem like big offenses, ``but breaking the law is breaking the law.''