
【聯合報╱By DENNIS OVERBYE╱陳世欽譯】

Nearly as Elusive as His Particle


EDINBURGH, Scotland — On October 8 last year, when the Nobel Prize in Physics was to be announced, Peter Higgs decided it would be a good day to get out of town.

Unfortunately, his car wasn’t working. He got as far as lunch before a neighbor told him that he had won the prize.

“What prize?” he joked.

It was in 1964 that Dr. Higgs, then a 35-year-old assistant professor at the University of Edinburgh, predicted the existence of a new particle — now known as the Higgs boson, or the “God particle” — that would explain how other particles get mass. Almost half a century later, on July 4, 2012, he wiped away a tear as he sat in a lecture hall at CERN, the European Organization of Nuclear Research in Geneva, and heard that his particle had finally been found.

Dr. Higgs, now 85, doesn’t own a television or use email or a cellphone , and his public appearances are rare. In a decade of covering the search for the Higgs boson, I had never managed to get a word with Dr. Higgs himself.

I finally found him looking relaxed and rumpled , perusing the menu in a bistro.

Dr. Higgs said he had adjusted, sort of, to his Nobel celebrity. “I’ve learned to just say no,” he said of people stopping him and asking for a photograph.

Dr. Higgs was born in Newcastle- upon-Tyne, England, in 1929, the son of a BBC engineer and a Scottish mother. His interest in physics was tweaked when as a schoolboy in Bristol, he realized he was attending the same school as had Paul Dirac, the British theorist. Dirac was the father of quantum field theory, which describes the forces of nature as a game of catch between force-carrying bits of energy called bosons, the field in which Dr. Higgs would rise to fame.

Retired from the University of Edinburgh, he lives in a fifthfloor walkup , around the corner from the birthplace of James Clerk Maxwell, the 19th-century Scottish theorist.

It was Maxwell who showed that electricity and magnetism were different manifestations of the same force, electromagnetism, that constitutes light. Dr. Higgs would help physics toward a theory you could write on a T-shirt: showing that Maxwell’s electromagnetism and the so-called weak force that governs radioactivity are different faces of the same thing.

But that’s not what Dr. Higgs thought he was doing. When he invented his boson in 1964, he said, “I wasn’t sure it would be important.”

It turned out that François Englert and Robert Brout of the Free University of Brussels had beaten him into print with the same idea . Three other physicists soon chimed in. Dr. Englert shared the Nobel with Dr. Higgs; Dr. Brout had died.

“For a while,” Dr. Higgs said, laughing, “I was calling it the ‘A.B.E.G.H.H.K.H’ mechanism,” reeling off the initials for all those who had contributed to the theory.

By 2000, Dr. Higgs had given up research, concluding that high-energy particle physics had moved beyond him. “I kept making silly mistakes,” he said.

Even before the Nobel sealed his place in history, he had become an Edinburgh tourist attraction, a sort of walking monument to science. In 1999, he turned down an offer of knighthood but in 2014 was named a Companion of Honor by Queen Elizabeth II.

Physicists still can’t explain the mass of the Higgs itself, which standard quantum calculations suggest should be almost infinite. This has led some theorists to propose that our universe is only one in an ensemble of universes, the multiverse, in which the value of things like the Higgs is random.

Asked about that, Dr. Higgs lit up with a big grin. “I’m not a believer,” he said.

“It’s hard enough to have a theory for one universe.”


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