An Interest in Our Guts Sparked by an Illness
If Giulia Enders had not contracted a mysterious illness that left her covered with sores, she might never have thought much about her digestive tract. She might never have enrolled in medical school, and she almost certainly would not have written a best-selling book about digestion.
Back in 2007, after a series of mostly ineffective treatments prescribed by doctors, Ms. Enders, then 17, decided to take matters into her own hands. Convinced the illness was associated with her intestines, she pored over gastroenterological research, consumed probiotic bacterial cultures and tried out mineral supplements.
The experiments worked, leaving her with healthy skin and an interest in her intestines.
“I experienced with my own body that knowledge is power,” she writes in “Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ,” which has sold almost 1.5 million copies in Germany.
During a recent interview, Ms. Enders, now 25, described with characteristic enthusiasm the first stomach operation she saw in person. “The whole body moves like this or like that, but the intestines move in entirely a different way,” she said. “It’s incredibly harmonious!”
Ms. Enders’s wonder at the ways of the gut is matched only by her incredulity at the limited public knowledge on the subject. During her first years in medical school, for example, that it is easier to burp lying on your left side because of the position at which the esophagus connects to the stomach. “Why doesn’t everybody know this?”
In 2012, she heard about a student event space in Freiburg that was hosting a “science slam,” an open-mike event where young researchers give presentations, and decided to prepare a short lecture on digestion.
Onstage, Ms. Enders was bouncy and jocular, as a video of the event shows. She speaks rapidly, describing the components of the digestive system and lamenting its poor reputation. “It’s really too bad, because the intestines are totally charming,” she says.
The crowd was smitten. Ms. Enders won the competition and went on to participate in two more science slams. Videos of her presentations attracted attention online, and a literary agent contacted her about writing a book.
Fans have praised Ms. Enders for translating abstruse gastroenterological research into breezy, entertaining prose. In her book, she catalogs the myriad operations that our guts perform every day, like the cleaning mechanism that kicks in a few hours after we eat and keeps the small intestine remarkably tidy. This “little housekeeper,” as she calls it, turns out to be the real source of the grumbling that most attribute to the stomach and mistake as a sign of hunger.
Then there is the growing body of research indicating that our intestines may have a far greater influence on our feelings, decisions and behavior than previously realized. We still know very little about this “gut brain,” as Ms. Enders refers to it.
These essential but little-known features of our guts have riveted Germans, with some commentators invoking Freud to explain Germans’ fascination with their bowels.
Ms. Enders dismisses such talk, noting that the book has also topped best-seller lists in Finland, the Netherlands and elsewhere. She suggests that its appeal lies in its frank treatment of topics usually left undiscussed.
“Shame always disappears when you really understand something,” she said.