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日前巴黎恐攻震驚全球,許多罹難者的家庭因此天人永隔,Antoine Leiris 也在這場攻擊中失去了他的妻子,面對奪去摯愛生命的恐怖分子,他卻不懷恨意,因為「憎恨」正是恐怖主義者所追求的。BBC 訪問到 Antoine Leiris,並分享了這段悲傷卻又勇敢堅強的宣言。

I do not know who you are, and I don't want to know—you are dead souls.


Antoine Leiris 強調,憎恨正是發動攻擊的人所渴望的回應,若如他們所願,就會陷入和他們同等的愚昧:

Therefore, I will not give you the gift of hating you. You have obviously sought it, but responding to it with anger would be to give in to the same ignorance that has made you what you are.


與其付出恨意,Antoine Leiris 選擇帶著兒子繼續活得精采,因為他們的笑容,就是對這些恐怖份子最好的回擊:

I have no more time to waste on you. I need to get back to Melvil, who is waking up from his afternoon nap.He's just 17 months old. He'll eat his snack like every day, and then we're going to play like we do every day. And every day of his life, this little boy will insult you with his happiness and freedom. Because you don't have his hatred either.

我沒時間浪費在你身上了。我得回到 Melvil 身邊,他剛從午睡醒來。他只有十七個月大。他會照常吃他的點心,然後我們會和平常一樣玩耍。在他生命中的每一天,這小男孩會用他的幸福和自由刺激你。因為你也沒得到他的恨。


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