
ISIS Incitement on Internet Raises Second Thoughts About First Amendment


It is one of the most hallowed precepts in modern constitutional law: Freedom of speech may not be curbed unless it poses a "clear and present danger" — an actual, imminent threat, not the mere advocacy of harmful acts or ideas. But in response to the Islamic State's success in grooming jihadis over the Internet, some legal scholars are asking whether it is time to reconsider that constitutional line.

Appeals for a tougher response to the Islamic State's online recruiting efforts have, not surprisingly, emerged from the political realm. Donald J. Trump said the government should call on Bill Gates and others to somehow close off dangerous Internet sites, and called First Amendment concerns foolish.



Hillary Clinton said the government should work with host companies to shut jihadi websites and chat rooms. That would be constitutional if voluntary, legal experts say, but not if the government exerted pressure on private firms to cooperate in censorship.

Some security experts called on YouTube to ban videos of lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki, which helped radicalize the attackers in San Bernardino, California, and many others.




激進組織伊斯蘭國透過社群媒體發布影音招募成員,引起各國關切。 圖/美聯社


Recently, a few legal scholars have engaged in what others call First Amendment heresy. What does clear and present danger mean when terrorists are provoking violence over the Internet?

The existing standard is often illustrated by the classic example of shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater when there is no hazard. That is not protected speech because it could cause a deadly stampede. But an article praising the merits of causing stampedes, even offering phrases to shout, is not closely enough linked to an imminent, actual threat to be outlawed.



A more forceful case and a legislative proposal were put forth by Eric Posner, a professor of law at the University of Chicago. The Islamic State's ability to spread "ideas that lead directly to terrorist attacks," he said, "calls for new thinking about limits on freedom of speech."

Posner supported urging companies like Facebook and YouTube to crack down on propaganda by the Islamic State. He proposed, in addition, passing a law to deter potential consumers from viewing dangerous sites.



David G. Post, a former professor of constitutional law who is a senior fellow at the Open Technology Institute of the New America Foundation in Washington, was one of many legal experts to condemn Posner's idea.

"I think it is a slippery slope," Post said in an interview. He said that efforts to suppress radical views "can be far too easily twisted into a prohibition against dissenting viewpoints."





(Erik Eckholm, 紐約時報, 李京倫譯)




美國「憲法增修條文第一條」(First Amendment):美國憲法制定時未納入權利法案(The Bill of Rights),但人民普遍希望憲法明定自己的權利。1789年,眾議員麥迪遜提出權利法案作為憲法增修條款,國會共通過12條,但只有10條獲各州批准,於1791年12月15日納入憲法。

此增修條文保障宗教、言論、出版的自由與集會、請願的權利,內容為:「國會不得制定有關下列事項的法律:確立一種宗教或禁止信教自由:剝奪(abridge)言論自由或出版自由;或剝奪人民和平集會及向政府伸冤(petition the government for a redress of grievances)的權利。」

滑坡謬誤(Slippery slope)是一種邏輯謬誤(logical fallacy),形式為「如果發生A,接著就會發生B,接著就會發生C……接著就會發生Z」,用意是「Z不應發生,因此不應允許A發生」,但其實A到Z未必有連鎖關係,且愈後面的事愈不可能發生。例如:「不要讓幼兒走出自己的房間,如果走出房間,就會在家裡晃蕩,接著會走出屋外,然後被人口販子賣到外國變性奴。」




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