
More American Jews Studying Arab World


Miriam Berger studied Arabic at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, lived twice as a student in Jordan, did thesis research in the West Bank and, after graduation, worked in Cairo. And like many Americans she has met along the way, she is Jewish.

“I don’t see it as a contradiction at all,” said Ms. Berger, 23, who grew up near Philadelphia where she attended a Jewish day school. “I grew up hearing so much about the Middle East, how it was this dangerous place we can’t understand, but as I learned more, every day it felt like old ideas were being challenged, and I wanted to contribute to better understanding.”

In the United States, colleges and universities are riding a two-decade surge in Middle East studies, reflecting that region’s consistent pull on American economics and security. And while there are no definitive demographic numbers, students and professors say that in classrooms, or in undergraduate study-abroad and postgraduate fellowship programs in the Middle East and in Arabic, it is not unusual for one-quarter or more of the students to be Jewish.

These students say their interest grew because of their heritage, not in spite of it. They feel a desire, even a duty, to understand a region where Israel and the United States are enmeshed in longstanding conflicts, and to act as bridges between cultures — explaining the Arab world to Americans, and America (and sometimes Jews) to Arabs.

“I felt I needed to see Palestinians as full, complete, sympathetic human beings,” said Moriel Rothman, 24, who was born in Israel, grew up in Ohio and studied Arabic at Middlebury College in Vermont. He now lives in Israel and works for an organization, Just Vision, that makes documentaries about conflict and cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis.

Americans go into Middle East studies for many reasons: because their families come from the region, because they see it as a shrewd move for future business careers, or because they want to go into national security-related work. But very often professors and students say their interest stems from a concern for the politics of the region.

For decades, American policy makers lamented how few people in the United States studied the Middle East, leaving a shortage of expertise in the military, the intelligence services and the diplomatic corp. Arabic, which is not part of the Indo-European language family, is a challenge for Western students; general ly, they must learn not only the Modern Standard Arabic that is understood from Iraq to Morocco, but also a local variant that people actually speak day to day.

But in the past generation, with wars turning American attention to the Middle East, interest has soared. In 1990, fewer than 3,600 students were learning Arabic at American colleges, according to a survey by the Modern Language Association. In 2002, there were about 10,600 — still only about half as many as were taking ancient Greek. By 2009, that had jumped to more than 35,000.

For the students who study or live in the Middle East, a common theme is the clash between their idealism and the harsher realities they encounter.

Ms. Berger, whose fellowship in Cairo ended amid rioting in July, said her interest is undimmed.

“I will go back,” she said. “The Middle East is my passion.”














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