巴黎不迷「高」 拒摩天大樓
Never a fan of heights, Paris rejects triangle skyscraper
Wary of a public that has never really forgiven them for blighting their view with a skyscraper 40 years ago, Paris authorities narrowly rejected plans for a 43-storey triangular-shaped building on Monday.
The 180-metre Tour Triangle was supposed to go up in the southwestern corner of the city by 2017, but local lawmakers blocked the proposal by 83 votes to 78 in heated scenes at city hall.
Many lawmakers have been thinking of the scorn that is still directed towards the Tour Montparnasse -- a brown carbuncle opened in 1973 that remains the only skyscraper in the city centre and has made it all but impossible for developers to win approval for future high-rises.
Paris imposed a height limit of 37 metres in the wake of the uproar over the 210-metre tower in Montparnasse -- which was accused of ruining both the view and a once-beloved artist district.
210公尺高的蒙帕納斯塔引起公憤之後,巴黎頒行建築最高37 公尺的上限:蒙帕納斯塔被指毀壞景觀,以及一個曾是許多人最愛的藝術區。