【聯合報╱By BILLY WITZ╱陳世欽譯】
Shipping Revolution,By Way of an Airship
MONTEBELLO, California — Igor Pasternak believes he is on the verge of changing the world of large cargo with a 235-meter -long, helium-filled airship that would be capable of delivering fresh fruit to Alaska, dropping triage units at disaster sites or depositing heavy machinery into remote locations.
No ports, rail lines, roads or airstrips would be necessary.
Mr. Pasternak, 50, a Ukrainian engineer who started his own company, Aeros Corporation, in the midst of perestroika, moved to the United States when the post-Soviet economy collapsed. He says his Aeroscraft airship would fly at up to 120 knots, four times as fast as a cargo ship. Its capacity of 225 metric tons is about twice that of a C-5 cargo plane, and it has a range of about 9,450 kilometers , enough to go from Boston to Burkina Faso.
The Aeroscraft will take off and land like a helicopter. Its designers, Mr. Pasternak sa id, have solved the major problem for lighter-than-air crafts: buoyancy control. If a dirigible unloads heavy cargo, it must be tethered or take on the same weight to keep from floating away. The Aeroscraft sends helium from its main chamber into compression tanks, which creates room for air — which is heavier — to be taken in, allowing for a controlled descent.
In October, several congressmen were present for the christening of a more modest, conventional airship from Mr. Pasternak’s company, a blimp sold to a Mexican company that plans to use it to monitor oil pipelines.
“When the Internet was created, it was to solve the problem of: In a nuclear war, how is the world going to communicate?” Mr. Pasternak said. “No one was thinking about the vision of Google and Facebook and Alibaba. We will change the distribution system same way with this project.”
But Chris Caplice, executive director for Massachusetts Institute of Technology ’s Center for Transportation and Logistics, is skeptical . He sees the Aeroscraft as only marginally more efficient than existing vessels.
“It has its uses, but they’re narrow,” Dr. Caplice said.
Dirigibles have long dealt with a stigma — nobody wants to get on the next Hindenburg. The sell is easier among scientists, who understand that these ships run on nonflammable helium, unlike the Hindenburg, which immolated when its hydrogen tanks exploded while docking in Lakehurst, New Jersey, in 1937.
Airships have found their most reliable use not in carrying people or cargo, but as slow-moving billboards in the sky . Interest was also keen from the military, but that has cooled in the face of cutbacks.
Though much of the Aeroscraft’s development cost has been covered by government military contracts, Mr. Pasternak has begun to turn more toward the private sector. He sa id he is convinced there is value in being able to deliver wind turbines to remote areas, something no air vessel can do. Or in getting overseas goods produced in November to American markets for the holiday season, something no cargo ship can move quickly enough to do.
But Richard Aboulafia, a cargo industry analyst, said the market for an airship like the Aeroscraft “is a problematic one.”
Mr. Aboulafia said there were three hurdles to overcome: the difficulty in making a new market entrance in air transportation, Cold War-era Russian planes that can be leased inexpensively and the fact that exotic cargo is often a one-way trip, which raises costs.
A fleet of smaller Aeroscraft models, 170 meters with a 60-metric -ton capacity, should be ready in three years, he said, with the 225-metric -ton capacity ship coming the year after that.
Aeroscraft has signed partnership agreements with companies including Bertling Logistics, Air Charter Service and Pacific Airlift, though the terms are unclear.
As for financing? “Hah,” he said with a dismissive nod of his head, adding, “The best financing is customer financing. It keeps you honest. There is a difference between a financial investor and a customer because a financial investor is looking for a return on his investment and a customer is looking for performance. When you go with this approach, it gives you more freedom.”
Photos of blimps and dirigibles in magazines fascinated Mr. Pasternak when he was a child in the Soviet Union. By the time he was 10, Mr. Pasternak was consumed with the idea of building an airship .
“It stuck,” Mr. Pasternak said . “Because I don’t have enough imagination , I just stuck with this and became a boring person. I’ve become the horse with blinders.”