【聯合報/By STEPHANIE STROM/任中原譯)】
Water Sales Rise as Soda Sales Dip
Few beverages are available in more places around the world than Coca-Cola. But bottled water is now challenging its dominance.
By the end of this decade, or sooner, American sales of bottled water are expected to surpass those of carbonated soft drinks, according to Michael C. Bellas of the Beverage Marketing Corporation.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Mr. Bellas, who has watched water’s rise in the industry since the 1980s. Sales of water in standard lightweight plastic bottles grew at a rate of more than 20 percent every quarter from 1993 to 2005, he said. The growth has settled into the high single digits.
That shift has posed a tough challenge for the Coca-Cola Company and rival PepsiCo in recent years. While both companies sell bottled water lines, Dasani for Coke and Aquafina for Pepsi, they have had trouble establishing dominance in the more profitable business of so-called enhanced waters — including flavored and carbonated waters and those with added vitamins and minerals — where a horde of new beverage companies like TalkingRain and Fruit2O are giving them strong competition.
Continuing concerns about obesity and related diseases are driving the trend.
In September, Michelle Obama heavily endorsed water, teaming up with Coke, Pepsi and Nestlé Waters, among others, to try persuade Americans to drink more of it.
Bottled water has also grown cheaper, adding to its attraction. Cases of 24 half-liter bottles of some store brands can be had for $2, or about 8 cents a bottle.
“Given where pricing has gone, I would assume that on the average 24 pack of bottled water, Coke and Pepsi are selling at break-even at best,” said John Faucher, who tracks the beverage businesses at JPMorgan Chase.
Some of the things that have made Pepsi and Coke formidable competitors in the soda business work against them in water. The companies, for instance, stock grocery store shelves directly off their trucks. That gives them greater control , but it also is much more expensive than letting retailers handle stocking.
Coke sold 5.8 billion liters of waters abroad and 253 million liters in the United States and Canada from 2007 to 2012. Pepsi’s water sales in North America actually declined by 636 million liters over that period, but it still sold 4.7 billion liters overseas, according to Euromonitor.
Both companies’ soda sales fell in North America over that time. Now Pepsi and Coke are fighting back with investments in flavored and enhanced waters. In October , Coke introduced its first sparkling Dasani drinks in four flavors. Pepsi is expected to unveil a premium bottled water product this year, according to Beverage Digest.
“Is it a great idea? Not necessarily,” Mr. Faucher said of the big companies’ push into enhanced waters.
He added: “Do they have much of a choice? Not necessarily. People want variety and so Coke and Pepsi are going where the opportunity is. There aren’t a lot of other options.”