ivideo、亞藝影音、Google影片等線上租片服務逐漸取代實體的租片店,成為現代租片主要的消費趨勢。線上租片的優勢(advantage),除了價格比一般實體租片店便宜外,還包括租片與還片的便利性(convenience),甚至不用煩惱被催討逾期費用(late fee)。而線上租片概念的誕生,正是因為有人不甘於繳納昂貴的四十美元逾時費,那人即Netflix的創辦人威摩・里德・海斯汀(Wilmot Reed Hastings)。他從健身房會員費得到靈感(idea),首創了全世界第一家線上租片服務的公司。
With an investment of $2.5 million, Reed and his partners launched Netflix in 1998. The idea was simple: members could rent as many DVDs as they wanted for a flat monthly rate, and there were no late fees. At first, Netflix had only 30 employees and 925 titles for rent. But the company grew rapidly, going public in 2002 and reaching $272 million in revenues in 2003. By 2005, Netflix was mailing a million DVDs per day, and in 2007 the company delivered its billionth disc.
里德投資兩百五十萬美金,與合夥人在一九九八年創立 Netflix。概念很簡單:會員只要每月繳定額的費用,想租多少影片就可租多少影片,且不必支付逾時費。起初 Netflix 只有三十名員工和九百二十五部片子。但公司成長迅速,在二○○二年公開上市後,二○○三年的營收達到二億七千兩百萬美元。到了二○○五年,Netflix 每天要寄送一百萬片 DVD,二○○七年,該公司寄出第十億片光碟。
Today, Netflix is changing home movie and TV viewing as we know it. With the new Internet video streaming service, members can watch hit movies and TV shows on demand. This Watch Instantly service is so popular that during prime time hours, Netflix accounts for a third of all North American Internet traffic. That’s not too shabby for an idea that was inspired by a video rental late fee.
今天,Netflix 仍在改變家家戶戶觀賞電影與電視的習慣。有了最新的網路視訊串流服務,會員可依需求選看熱門電影及電視影集。「立即收視」服務在黃金時段極受歡迎,使 Netflix 占了北美網路總流量的三分之一。就一個由影帶出租逾時費啟發的構想而言,這數字還不賴。
launch (v.) 推出,發行
title (n.) 電影、書等作品
go public (phr.)(公司)股票上市
revenue (n.) 營收,收入
hit (adj.) 流行的,熱門的
on demand (phr.) 隨選的
prime time (phr.)(電視、廣播)黃金時段
account for (phr.) 佔據
Internet (n.) 網際網路