The Christmas gifts have been delivered, and Secret Santa is done.
Now, the work begins for Optoro, a startup company that aims to reduce the financial and environmental costs of another great holiday tradition: returns.
Americans returned $260 billion in merchandise last year, up more than 66 percent from five years ago, according to the National Retail Federation. And a quarter of that was during the holiday season.
As e-commerce sales surge and free return shipping becomes the norm, shoppers are set to return even more this year — a cycle that started in earnest on Monday, the first weekday after Christmas.
Little known to shoppers, however, is that a majority of returned items never make it back to retailers' shelves. Instead, the items wind their way through liquidators, wholesalers and resellers, many of the purchases ending up in landfills. According to some estimates, as much as two million tons of returned items — most of it undamaged merchandise — are thrown away each year, enough to fill over 200,000 garbage trucks.
Returns, in short, are not just a big loss for retailers. They are a big and growing environmental burden.
"The way we consume right now isn't sustainable," said Tobin Moore, chief executive of Optoro, which offers retailers alternative ways to resell, recycle or donate returned merchandise. "We can't keep throwing stuff away," he said. "There's a better way."
Optoro is becoming a player in the "reverse logistics" industry handling returns in the United States, one that is growing together with the rise of online sales.
And the space is attracting investors' attention. Last December, Genco, one of the biggest operators, processing about 600 million returned items a year and, raking in about $1.6 billion in sales, was acquired by FedEx.
Optoro declined to disclose sales, but said it processed about 10 million returned items a year and has raised $80 million in funding from Silicon Valley investors.
To get shoppers used to buying without touching, Web retailers have offered generous return policies. Almost half of e-commerce sellers surveyed by the retail federation — including Amazon-owned Zappos, Macy's, Target, Saks and Gap — now offer free return shipping in many categories.
(Hiroko Tabuchi,紐約時報,陳韋廷譯)
民眾在耶誕節前忙著線上瘋狂購買禮物,電子商務(e-commerce)業者也樂得喜迎年終購物旺季的買氣,但耶誕節一過,他們卻必須面對退貨季(season of returning)中洶湧而至的退貨商品,而這種情形年年上演已成常態(norm)。
報導指出,這些沒人要的耶誕禮品不會再回到零售商的銷售平台,而是流通到像Optoro、Genco這類負責逆向物流(reverse logistics)業務的公司,進行清算(liquidate)、轉售(resell)、回收(recycle)或捐贈(donate)等處理流程。
逆向物流包括退貨、回收再利用(recycle and reuse)、廢棄處理(waste disposal)、維修(maintenance and repair)與召回(recall)等流程。廣義上來說,它屬於售後服務(after-sales service)的一環。
上述公司雖因逆向物流產業賺進大把鈔票,但電子商務業者因退貨而產生的損失(loss)也很可觀。文中片語rake in意指earn large sums of money(海撈一票),例句:Star Wars: The Force Awakens set to rake in $47m on Christmas Day.(「星際大戰七部曲:原力覺醒」耶誕節當天票房料將大賺4700萬美元。)