


Over the centuries, Heidelberg played a key role in European intellectual and religious movements, including humanism in the 15th century, the Reformation in the 16th century and Romanticism in the 19th century. Despite dark days during the Nazi era and violent student protests in the 1960s and ’70s, Heidelberg has since regained its reputation, and is now the top university in Germany. As an international research university, Heidelberg attracts students and researchers from all over the world—a full third of doctoral candidates are international students. With this strong emphasis on research, it isn’t surprising that there are 56 Nobel laureates associated with Heidelberg, mostly in the fields of medicine, physics and chemistry.



Student Jail 學生監獄

Leo: It’s hard to imagine a jail for students.

Kirsten: Well, students were only sent here for minor offenses— things like drunkenness, disturbing the peace. It was established in the 1600s after townspeople started complaining about misbehaving students.

Leo: How long were they locked up for?

Kirsten: Usually just a few days or weeks—and they were still allowed to attend classes in the day.

Leo: That doesn’t sound so bad.

Kirsten: Yeah. Time behind bars here actually became a rite of passage.

Leo: The walls are so colorful!

Kirsten: That’s all original graffiti drawn by the “prisoners.”

里 歐:好難想像會有專門關學生的監獄。


里 歐:他們會被關多久?


里 歐:聽起來沒有很糟。


里 歐:牆壁好繽紛喔!



despite (prep.) 雖然,儘管

era (n.) 時代,年代,紀元

doctoral (a.) 博士的

offense (n.) 犯法(行為),過錯

disturb (v.) 擾亂,妨礙

misbehave (v.) 行為不端,行為不禮貌

rite (n.) 儀式,慣例,rite of passage 即「成年禮」

graffiti (n.) 塗鴉

本文取材自《全球最令人嚮往的大學城巡禮:EZ TALK 總編嚴選特刊 (1書1 MP3)


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