
圖片來源:一生必去的美西都市:EZ TALK總編嚴選特刊


位於美國西岸加州的聖地牙哥。曾是鄰國墨西哥的屬地,也曾被西班牙統治,因此融合了美、西、墨三國的文化特色。San Diego 之名是來自西班牙的天主教聖徒:聖地牙哥阿爾卡(San Diego de Alcal)。擁有加州的陽光和沙灘、異國風味濃厚的歷史古蹟、大型動物園、海洋世界、公園一應俱全,「美國最佳城市」絕非浪得虛名!


Where in the world can you go surfing at the beach, gamble at a casino and see pandas at the zoo all in one day? Is there such a city? You bet there is. Welcome to San Diego!

With its mild, sunny climate, life in San Diego is lived
5 outdoors. Want to go swimming or work on your tan? The city has 70 miles of beaches to choose from. If you want to get out on the water, Mission Bay and San Diego Bay are excellent places for sailing and windsurfing. San Diego is also home to the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Fleet, and you can take a tour of the

USS Midway—the aircraft carrier is now a museum—to learn more about this part of the city’s history.

If you’re not a beach bum, Balboa Park is a great place to spend the day. The park contains not only a variety of museums, gardens and Spanish-stylearchitecture, but also the world-famous San Diego Zoo, where you can see over 4,000 animals, including giant pandas. Or you can head over to SeaWorld in Mission Bay to see dolphins, orcas, penguins and polar bears!

For a more urban experience, Downtown and Old Town are great for eating, shopping and nightlife. The Mexican food

here is excellent, but for something even more authentic, just head to Tijuana—San Diego is only 15 miles from the Mexican border.

With its mild year-round weather, it’s no wonder San Diego is a sister city of Taichung. Combine that with natural beauty and great attractions, and you can see why San Diego is America’s Finest City.


在氣候溫和、晴朗的聖地牙哥,生活要在戶外度過。想去游泳或曬出一身古銅色嗎?這 座城市有綿延七十哩的海灘任君選擇。如果你想乘風破浪,教會灣和聖地牙哥灣是玩帆 船和風浪板的絕佳去處。聖地牙哥也是美國海軍太平洋艦隊的基地,你可以上「中途島 號」一遊──這艘航空母艦現在是博物館──深入了解這座城市這部分的歷史。

如果你不愛流連海邊,巴爾波亞公園是消磨一天的好去處。這座公園不僅坐擁多座博物 館、花園和西班牙式建築,還有舉世聞名的聖地牙哥動物園,你在園內可以看到四千多隻動物,包括熊貓。或者你也可以前往教會灣的海洋世界看看海豚、虎鯨、企鵝和北極熊!

若你想找都會一點的體驗,市中心和老城區都是用餐、購物和夜生活的好去處。這裡的 墨西哥料理很棒,但如果你想吃更道地的墨西哥菜,就乾脆去墨西哥的提華納──聖地 牙哥距墨西哥邊界僅十五哩路。



1) surfing (n.) 衝浪(運動)

2) tan (n./v.) 曬黑的膚色;曬黑皮膚

3) fleet [flit] (n.) 艦隊,車隊,機群

4) aircraft carrier (n.) 航空母艦

5) architecture (n.) 建築,建築學

6) polar (a.) 極地的

7) authentic (a.) 道地的,純正非假冒的,正宗的

8) casino (n.) 賭場

9) head (v.)(朝特定方向)前往

10) bum (n.) 迷戀某種運動(或娛樂)的人

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