At the exact moment President Obama was declaring last month that “climate change is a fact,” thousands of drivers in Atlanta were trapped in a grueling winter ordeal, trying to get home on roads that had turned into ribbons of ice.
Mr. Obama’s declaration provoked head-shaking from Congressional climate deniers, and unleashed a stream of mockery on Twitter.
“As soon as he mentioned ‘climate change’ it started snowing on Capitol Hill,” said a post from Patrick J. Michaels at the Cato Institute.
The chortling was predictable, perhaps, but you do not necessarily have to subscribe to an anti-scientific ideology to ask the question a lot of people are asking these days: If the world is really warming up, how come it is so cold?
We are all supposed to know that climate and weather are not the same thing. But we have a tendency to think whatever is happening to us must be happening everywhere.
Scientists refer to global warming because it is about, well, the globe. It is also about the long run.
The entire United States covers less than 2 percent of the surface of the earth. So if the whole country froze solid , that would not affect global temperatures much.
Even this year’s severe winter weather has affected only part of the United States. Alaska has been downright balmy for much of the winter. Likewise, large parts of Russia, Canada and Europe have been bizarrely warm.
A handful of scientists think the 10-degree temperatures in London and the frigid weather in Minneapolis might be a consequence of climate change. They contend the decline of sea ice in the Arctic has destabilized a weather pattern that keeps frigid air bottled up near the pole. That pattern is known as the polar vortex and its boundary is a river of air called the jet stream. When the vortex weakens, the jet stream can creat e zones of extreme heat and cold.
So far, the most interesting fact about th is winter’s Arctic blasts might be how short they have been compared with the past.
The meteorologists Brandt Maxwell, of the National Weather Service in San Diego, and Robert Henson, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, have been doing some comparisons.
In the winter of 1976-77, the temperature in Chicago stayed below freezing for 43 days straight . A long stretch this winter was 11 days.
Winters have become so mild over the past 20 to 30 years that a blast of Arctic air feels extraordinary. “If you were 10 years old when this last happened and now you’re 40, that’s quite a chunk of your life,” Mr. Henson said.
In turn, the cold-weather angst may influence how people see the larger issue. Scientists studying human perception have found that our immediate, visceral experience of the world can influence our judgments on related questions. For example, the research shows that on a day perceived as hotter than normal, people are more likely to say that global warming is real, and vice versa.
Fortunately, we are not stuck with human perception alone. We have sophisticated thermometers scattered all over the place. And they are telling us a pretty consistent story. No matter how cold it has been getting in Atlanta, the world really is warming up.