目前分類:英語學習 (409)

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【聯合報╱By KEN BELSON╱陳世欽譯】

Enlisting Beetles Where Trees Are Pests

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【聯合報╱By HIROKO TABUCHI╱馮克芸譯】

Shrimp’s Path to Plate May Begin in a Tank

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【聯合報╱By JUSTIN GILLIS╱陳世欽譯】

Picking the Lesser Of 2 Climate Evils

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   【聯合報╱By LIZ ALDERMAN╱陳世欽譯】

With Laser Makeover, Caryatids Regain Glow

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【聯合報╱By SARITHA RAI╱李京倫譯】

Modernizing the Tea Market in India

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【聯合報╱By SARITHA RAI╱陳世欽譯】

Modernizing the Tea Market in India

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【聯合報╱By TEDDY WAYNE╱王麗娟譯】

Online, the Angry Man Feels at Home

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【聯合報╱By HENRY FOUNTAIN╱陳世欽譯】

Another Ocean, Deep Inside the Earth

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【聯合報╱By NATALIE ANGIER╱李京倫譯】

Doctors Can Cure Leprosy, but Stigma and Shame Linger

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【聯合報╱By Jack Kanter╱陳世欽譯】

Lithuania Takes One Lonely Step to Euro

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BORTH, WALES – There is a poem children in Wales learn about the sunken kingdom of Cantre’r Gwaelod, swallowed by the sea and drowned forever after. On a quiet night, legend has it, one can hear the kingdom’s church bells ringing.

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A Leader Who Is What He Wears

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When the World Seems to Shrink, or Grow

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