
Is There Danger
Lurking in Lipstick?


A soft pink, a
glowing red, even a cyanotic purple — millions of women and girls apply
lipstick every day. And not just once: some style-conscious users touch up
their color more than 20 times a day, according to a recent study. But are they
also exposing themselves to toxic metals?

Most lipsticks
contain at least a trace of lead, researchers have shown. But a new study finds
that a wide range of brands contain other metals, from cadmium to aluminum. Now
experts are raising questions about what happens if these metals are absorbed
on a daily basis.

“It matters
because this is a chronic long-term issue, not a short-term exposure,” said
Katharine Hammond, a professor of environmental health sciences at the
University of California at Berkeley and the lead author of the new analysis.
“We’re not saying that anyone needs to panic. We’re saying let’s not be
complacent, that these are metals known to affect health.”

The issue first
came to public attention in 2007 with a report on lead contamination in
lipsticks by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The United States Food and Drug
Administration published a follow-up in 2011, finding traces of lead in 400

Both the F.D.A.
and the cosmetics industry insist that the average lead level found, just above
1 part per million, poses no real or unusual health risk. “Metals are
ubiquitous,” said Linda Loretz, chief toxicologist for the Personal Care
Products Council, an industry association. “And this is a very small amount,
too small to be a safety issue.”

But lead tends to
accumulate in the body, noted Dr. Sean Palfrey, medical director of the lead
poisoning prevention program at Boston University Medical Center. He also noted
that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States “
acknowledged last year that no level of lead is really safe.”

Beyond lead, Dr.
Hammond’s study, published in May in the journal Environmental Health
Perspectives, found traces of cadmium, cobalt, aluminum, titanium, manganese,
chromium, copper and nickel in 24 lip glosses and eight lipstick brands. The
researchers picked products favored by teenagers at a community health center
in Oakland, California, who reported reapplying lipsticks as often as 24 times
a day.

Aluminum, chromium
and manganese registered the highest concentrations over al l.

Aluminum is added
to lipsticks as a stabilizer, said Ms. Loretz: “It keeps colors from bleeding.”
Titanium oxide is used as a whitening agent, softening reds into pinks. Both
uses are approved by the F.D.A. But all of the other metals noted by Dr.
Hammond are probably unwanted contaminants, Ms. Loretz said.

For example,
manufacturers often use glittery, microscopic flakes of mica, a naturally
occurring mineral formation, to add shine to lip gloss. Mica routinely contains
such metals as lead, manganese, chromium and aluminum. And there is some
indication that more intense lipstick colors may carry a bigger metallic load
because of contamination in pigments.

Some metals are
undoubtedly absorbed through mucosal tissues , Dr. Palfrey said.

Dr. Hammond
recommends that consumers take a commonsense approach : For starters, don’t let
young children play with lipstick.

She said, “Treat
it like something dangerous, because if they eat it we are taking about a
comparatively large level of metals going into a small body.”














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