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Go bananas 是「去去香蕉」?It's a case of sour grape 是「酸葡萄的案例」?A second bite of cherry 是「再吃一口櫻桃」?這些片語到底是什麼意思呢?現在就跟著 BBC 製作的影片,一起認識這些和水果相關的片語吧!
1. go bananas 發瘋、抓狂
I will go bananas if my team wins the championship!
要表達「使某人瘋狂、使某人抓狂」也可以利用 banana,可以說 to drive someone bananas,例如:
My mom drives me bananas with all her nagging.
2. It's a case of sour grapes. 吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸。
He's just jealous of your new promotion. It's a case of sour grapes.
Don't be a bad loser / sore loser.(別當個輸不起的人!)
3. a second bite of cherry 第二次機會
I failed my driving test last week. But I'll get a second bite of the cherry next month.
那 cherry(櫻桃)還有幾個片語的用法,像是 red as a cherry,就是「像櫻桃一樣紅」,可以這樣用:
When her crush approached her in front of everyone, Emily turned red as a cherry.
當她的心上人在大家面前走向她,Emily 臉變得跟櫻桃一樣紅。
此外還有 Life is just a bowl of cherries. 這種說法,字面上是說「人生就只是一碗櫻桃。」其實要表達的就是「人生真美好啊」,可以用在正面的地方,例如:
The weather is great, flowers are blooming, and birds are singing. Life is just a bowl of cherries.
但 Life is just a bowl of cherries. 也可以用來反諷、挖苦,例如:
I was late for work today, got chased by a dog on the way home, and lost my new phone. Life is just a bowl of cherries.