California's University System,an Upward-Mobility Machine
The University of California is struggling with budget woes that have deeply affected campus life. Yet the system's nine colleges still lead the nation in providing top-flight higher education to the masses.
At many other colleges, poor and truly middle-class students remain a distinct minority. Affluent students predominate at liberal arts colleges like Bates,private universities like Cornell and even many public universities, including Wisconsin and Penn State.
The University of California, by contrast, enrolls large number of high-performing students of all economic backgrounds.
That contrast is the most striking result of this year's College Access Index,a New York Times measure of economic diversity at top colleges. Six of the top seven spots in this year's index belong to University of California campuses; Irvine is at No. 1, and the flagship Berkeley is at No. 7.
The index is based on three factors: the share of students receiving Pell grants (which typically go to families making less than $70,000); the graduation rate of those students; and the net cost, after financial aid, that a college charges low- and middle-income students. The index covers 179 of the nation's top colleges, defined as having an overall five-year graduation rate of at least 75 percent.
Economic diversity has become a much-debated topic lately. Academic research has shown that many high-achieving low-income students do not attend a selective college, even when they're qualified. They instead enroll at a college closer to home, with fewer resources -- and many don't end up getting a four-year degree.
“The big challenge for American higher education,” said Howard Gillman,the Irvine chancellor, “is that it has to be a gateway through which talented young people can thrive, regardless of their background.”
Officials at other top colleges, for their part, often say that they want to enroll more of these talented low- and middle-income students. But only some colleges have followed up these words with actions.
You can see the contrast between otherwise similar colleges. Amherst and Wesleyan are more diverse than Williams and Colby; Holy Cross more so than Notre Dame. The flagship state universities in Texas and North Carolina are more diverse than those in Michigan, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Among the most notable patterns from this year's College Access Index:
Economic diversity has stagnated. The median share of first-year students receiving Pell grants at these colleges was 17 percent last year. That was up marginally from 16 percent the previous academic year but unchanged from 17 percent the previous two years.
This stagnation means that many elite colleges remain overwhelmingly well-off.For every student from the entire bottom half of the nation's income distribution at Dartmouth, Penn, Princeton, Yale and more than a few other colleges, there appear to be roughly two students from just the top 5 percent (which means they come from families making at least $200,000).
College administrators wouldn't say it this way, yet they are essentially deciding that economic diversity matters less than other priorities -- like sports teams, new buildings and some low-enrollment academic programs.
But a small number of colleges have made big changes. At Pomona, the share of first-year students receiving Pell grants rose to 22 percent last year,from 16 percent three years earlier. The share has also risen notably at Davidson, in North Carolina; Franklin & Marshall, in Pennsylvania; and St.Olaf, in Minnesota.
“It enhances the education of all students to meet people who are different than they are,” said Eileen O'Leary, an administrator.
Most low-income students who attend top colleges thrive. Merely going to college isn't enough. The benefits of college generally depend on graduating, and low-income students generally do graduate from these colleges.
(David Leonhardt, 紐約時報, 陳韋廷譯)
爾灣加大化學系應屆畢業生貝拉達(Rene Amel Peralta)6歲起全天在工地打雜,13歲被棄養後和姊姊從墨西哥偷渡到美國繼續打零工。17歲就讀社區大學是貝拉達首度接受正式教育。6年後畢業,過了2年被加州大學錄取,但他沒念過高中,不能申請補助,爾灣加大網開一面,總算讓他跨出脫貧的第一步。
貝拉達的例子或可說明爾灣等6所加州大學,何以能在紐時的「大學入學指數」(College Access Index)名列前茅。Access意指進入、使用、會面的權利或機會,介系詞常用to。例:We have access to the Internet at the library.
標題稱加州大學系統是「促進向上流動的機構」(upward-mobility machine),語出「社會流動」(social mobility),指的是從一種社會地位流向另一種社會地位的變化。高等教育是促成「社會階層」(social stratification)上下流動的關鍵,這是紐時藉由評比呼籲頂大不能專收人生勝利組(the whole package),忽視學生經濟背景多樣性(economic diversity)的主因。在紐時榜高居第三的聖塔芭芭拉加大,校長楊祖佑(Henry T. Yang)在重慶出生,台灣長大,是中研院院士。
說到社會流動,英國小說《Moll Flanders》值得一讀,作者是寫《魯賓遜漂流記》的狄福(Daniel Defoe)。主角在監獄出生,長大之後賣身、偷竊,為了脫貧不擇手段。讀者大可嫌她寡廉鮮恥,但作者暗批的是:若非社會流動宛如一溝死水,誰願意把自己弄得如此不堪?